Wednesday, 25 June 2008

HotelClub's New Sposorship Scheme

More evidence that companies are considering Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) factors when deciding how to allocate marketing and sponsorship budgets.

HotelClub has launched a new sponsorship programme aimed at community level organisations including schools and charities.

Jon Wild, Global Marketing Director at HotelClub, explains that a conscious decision was made to move away from large corporate sponsorship and instead focus efforts at a local level – “When people think sponsorship they think flashy endorsements at sporting events, but our programme is about funding projects that make a real difference to local communities.”

Wild adds, “We are really excited about seeing how organisations invest the funds, it might be with a fundraising event, new computer equipment or we might see something different thrown into the mix! Either way, it is going to be very rewarding initiative for both parties.”

The scheme shows that different companies look for different outcomes when it comes to sponsorship.

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