Friday, 20 June 2008

Popular Sport Websites

Where do sports fans get their fix online? In America at least, the big brands are still capturing the attention of fans.

Nielsen Online have released the results of the top sports sites during the month of May, with Yahoo coming out on top of all of the sites. Yahoo recieved 21.7 million unique visitors, an increase of 13.2% from April, and up nearly 55% from May of last year. came in second with 17.2 million unique visitors, and FoxSports.Com was third at 13 million.

Running down the list - (12 million); AOL Sports (9.9 million); eBay Sports (9 million); (7.9 million);, CBS College Sports (7.7 million); Fantasy Sports Ventures Network (5.5 million); and (5.1 million).

In terms of video - ESPN is leading the way.

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